From Pax Scientia

Science: Ring Theory

Electron Rings

If we try to visualize the 3D spatial layout of a naive atom, we can imagine the following. A collection of protons and neutrons, usually of close to even number, form the nucleus. Since a stable nucleus has positive charge, then the electrons would mostly be concerned with getting as close as possible while staying away from other electrons. The first spatially symmetric stable state is secured by putting one electron at each pole, essentially a ring of two. Thus, the first shell. The next electrons are two rings of four, for the second shell. The third shell consists of three rings of six. The fourth shell would be four rings of eight. And the fifth shell would be five rings of ten. A hypothetical sixth ring could progress to six rings of twelve.

Nuclear Visibility

Now, one assumes that protons carry positive charge, and neutrons are well, neutrally charged. However, we know that a neutron can decay into a proton and electron. This implies, again, naively, that a neutron is really in essence a compound consisting of a joined proton and electron. In reality what is happening is a spatial phenomenon. The photon that mediates the electromagnetic field must be able to see a particle directly to affect it. Thus, if, from a certain angle, a particle can be blocked completely by another particle, it effectively is functionally neutral. In effect, a neutron is the result of protons surrounding and concealing electrons and other protons from line of sight. A large nucleus would have a shell of visible outer protons, and invisible outer and inner protons.

A single proton can attract an electron. In normal chemistry theory, we would consider the result a hydrogen atom. A neutron is what happens when a proton captures an additional electron within its structure, though neutrons are not stable and on their own tend to decay back into a proton and an electron.

Essentially a proton is two up quarks and a down quark, while a neutron is two down quarks and an up quark. Given that the only real difference is the electron, perhaps what is really happening is that a proton is three quarks with a single electron that sits in the middle of its triangular ring structure, essentially holding the whole thing together with its negative charge. This is a stable structure that should never decay, as the quarks basically follow the electron’s path, and the quarks effectively mask the electron’s charge so it the net particle is positively charged. It can also hold an additional electron, by way of synchronized orbits where one electron is in the middle when the other is outside. Since there is always one outside, the positive charge of the quarks is neutralized. However, because the electrons are in motion, there is the potential for them to repel one another if they are not in perfect sync, which is why neutrons can decay.

Why is it that the quark triangle with an electron core is so much more stable than anything else? Consider a single quark and an electron. The two would collide. If there were two quarks they would each be attracted by -1 from the electron and repulsed by +2/3 from the other quark. As the net charge is negative, they would also collide. At three quarks you have a -1 from the electron pulling it and each quark experiences a repulsion of +2 each from the other two quarks. However, this repulsion is at an angle and the combined force vector is weaker, going from +2/3 to +1/2. The result is -1 +1/2 + 1/2 = 0, which creates a stable system. Now, if you had four quarks, they would each add +1/2, which would lead to each quark experiencing -1 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 = +1/2, which would cause the whole system to explode.

This explains some interesting effects. If two hydrogen-1 atoms fuse one would think it would become what amounts to a helium-2 ion. Two protons however would repel, so this is unstable unless one of the electrons manages to get between the protons to connect them. This is the reason why most helium-2 atoms decay back into two protons, and occasionally decays instead into deuterium.

A single electron can connect multiple protons together, however, this is limited by spherical packing limits and also the requirement that the electron must stay in motion. What ends up happening is that the electrons end up chaining the protons together into a ring structure. In order for this structure to maintain stability it requires around one electron for every two protons.

Thus the nucleus is actually a mostly hollow spinning ring.


The protoforce is a conjectured universal field force that underlies electromagnetism, gravity, and the strong and weak nuclear forces.

Ring Theory

The basic stable structure of the smallest particles is actually a ring of charged particles of the same charge surrounding a particle of opposite charge.

A positron and an electron would spiral together and collide to create a neutral particle called an atheaton.

The proton is actually two positrons in a shell ring around a core electron.

The neutron occurs when a second electron is able to penetrate the positive shell ring and forms a negative core ring with the first electron.

Hydrogen-1 occurs when the second electron instead orbits in a separate shell ring.

A proton and a neutron can combine into Deuteron by shifting positron and electron rings. Two positron 2-rings would then start to orbit each electron in the 3-ring.

Deuteron can become Deuterium or Hydrogen-2 by having another electron orbit the whole system.

Triton is formed by chaining a third proton ring to the core ring and another electron to the core ring.

Helium-3 occurs when a third proton ring is added to the core ring without a corresponding electron.

Helium-4 adds a third proton to the positive shell ring with a core ring electron.

Stable elements thus tend to result when you add a proton and a neutron, or effectively two positrons in the outer ring for every three electrons in the inner ring.

Darklight Theory

Dark matter is made up of normal matter that has become truly neutral from matter-antimatter collisions turning them into atheatons.

Antigravity Theory

Gravity is a force that acts such that like attracts and opposites repulse. Naively, a universe consisting of these would quickly split into two giant balls moving away from each other.

A more complex variation would see every particle potentially having both features, leading to eight unique particles.

Though, realistically, the relative strengths of these forces may not be identical but should differ in some way, in which case the stronger force would dominate. Thus, the net effect is two giant singularities at opposite ends of the universe would be pushing each other away and pulling the rest of the universe with their gravity. Meanwhile ordinary matter made of material with stronger charge than gravity would split into two clusters that would be pushed apart as well, albeit more weakly. Each cluster would contain only one kind of gravity.

We would probably never be close enough to view either the polar singularities, or the other cluster. All the matter in our visible universe would have gravity, while the antigravity cluster of negative mass would be very far away.

However, in theory it should still be possible to create artificial antigravity matter or find it in small quantities closer by.

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